I am the newbe here. But I want to try posting in English as well as I can. But sometimes it’s hard for me to realize my thought become a good composition. And now, I get the tips from Andrew Greene to share with you about what are the fundamental ingredients of good writing.
As like Andrew Greene said that in order to write well, we need to understand how these speakers organize and communicate their thought and their language.
The three main ingredients that determine the organizational patterns of our written English are subject, purpose and audience.
Perhaps the biggest hindrance to writing is not having anything to say; that is, not having a suitable subject. Good writing needs a subject that is neither too general nor too specific. A strong subject is something that you know or that you want to learn more about. Finding a hook to your interest is a large part of the writing process.
Second; Purpose. The purpose behind your writing is just as important as your subject. Simply put, you need to know why you are writing. Are you writing to entertain, to inform or to persuade? Most writing will have more that one purpose, such as attempting to entertain while at the same time trying to persuade or inform.
The final ingredient is audience, strongly affects the first two. Whom you are writing to helps you decide upon your subject and your purpose. All audiences read our writing with differing expectations. To best be understood and, more importantly, to not be misunderstood, it is vital that you keep your audience in mind as you proceed through the writing the process.
If we play with these three basic steps until we are comfortable with them we are sure to make quick progress in our written communication. How nice this info bro? Wish you all enjoy this posting as I am.
Belum pasang shout box nih ?
udah tuh saya pasang sekrang mah. tapi yang bikin scrool down pie to? mesti ngedit di HTML nya ya? whuaaaah.. :(
good and nice blog, seeyou around ...
ur not like a newbie, ur proffessional blogger, :)
Good luck!
Hm, Thx alot for the comment. Let's to share to be a profesional blogger. Keep Blogging. *Long time no up date here. Sedih*
I hope one day u r gonna be one of the best writter in Indonesia... Good luck Gandh!
@ Rizky: Amin. I wish... (Let's Share anything here to realize our dream). Alloh Bless us!
wah isinya bagus sbetulnya. Tp bacanya penuh perjuangan. Inggris gue pas2xan soalnya :)
Whuah gw juga pas-pasan bung! makanya yuk kita belajar bareng.. he8x... Berjuang! :)
practice makes perfect....nyambung nggak sih... he he he
Say Hi from Tangerang
What Andrew Greene said is just a theory..
to me, in order to write a good stuf is...write it down!
Punten ngiring ameng
Visit lagi nih Gandhi... happy dreaming.
btw it is a nice posting
@edisamsuri: Nyambung lah. Pokoknya yu kita practice.. he8x... Nice post? thx for u'r comment.
@astrid savitri: Yups, its just a theory, but lets us torealize theme all.
@Balisugar: Mannga sing anteng amengna di dieu.. :)
makasih dah mampir ke blog saya.
@balisugar: IAF *&)#HSADASD (artinya saya nggak paham)
Being able to write in English is a must, especially if we want to earn some money. English will really help you....
Remember now Google ads will not appear in Indonesian contents
that's true if indonesian language never include in adsense program
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